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The new approach to teaching musical scales and helping children learn their scales, suitable for any instrument:

The ‘text-based’ approach has proved popular and effective with pupils, as well as parents, who often struggle to help their children learn scales at home if they have little or no musical knowledge themselves. The AlphaScales method can be used for whole class music teaching and has also been helpful to dyslexic pupils.

AlphaScales promotes the use of the musical alphabet (the first 7 letters of the alphabet) as a never-ending linear line. This provides structure and helps take out the mystery of ‘what note comes next?’. We then add sharps, flats & naturals (collectively know as accidentals) to the musical alphabet line. Once a pupil has ascended the scale, AlphaScales encourages them to travel back down the alphabet line the same way they came up. In the case of melodic minor scales, different accidentals are placed underneath the alphabet line on the way down.

AlphaScales encourages pupils to practise their scales by saying the note names out loud, while doing the corresponding fingering on their instrument. They should then say the names of the notes in their head as they play the scale. The AlphaScales method is proven to help children learn their scales.

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Alpha Scales – Book 1:

The pdf download version of the 42 page book containing all major and minor scales in the Alpha Scale format. (This includes both melodic and harmonic minor scales).
